
May 17, 2010

Green Chili & Pockets Tour, Stop 1: Taos, NM

I set off to enjoy the last bit of the spring season by touring the Southwest.

This sign begs many questions.

The first stop is a personal favorite - Taos, NM.

Do You Hear the Taos Hum?

After a burrito smoothed in green chili sauce, Alex and I heading out to the pilar boulders. It is a nice volcanic set of boulders adjunct to the Rio Grande. I was running around warming up and flashed Surf Report, V3. I noticed a logical sit-down start. It starts lower on the same fin featured. A off balance start move leads to tension match and then a fun throw out to the stand start. I'm probably not the first to do it, but it is not listed anywhere. I also noticed a slab then a sit down start. After I cleaned an inch of lichen off my chosen foot holds, it went. It was easy but exciting, a possibility to windmill off and roll down and off an adjunct boulder.

Surf Report SDS, Green, V6 - sds on fin, join Surf Report
"Charlie Don't Surf", Pink, V4 - sds on jug, bust right to arete, keep it together on the slab
Project - sds on CDS jug, bust left into Surf Report, contrived

I moved over to the C3P0 boulder. Last I was there I noticed some logical sit-down starts to the moderates. While I was there I got a better sense of the boulder and realized that guidebook is unclear/completely wrong. What I thought was C3P0 (V10) is actually Cousin Chewie (V7/8). I guess I haven't climbed a v10. Hopefully this picture clears things up.

Cousin Chewie, Blue, V7/8 - sds traverse right around arete
C3P0, Pink, V10 - stand start on small holds with miserable feet
Green, Project - sds to V2 arete, one hard move wonder

One of the many harder projects, just feet from the road:
Green, Project - sds to arete, hard compression climbing

I decided to share on Mountain Project - link.