
Jul 16, 2010

Near Life Experience

1) Threshold Bouldering

2) VIR

Notes: I'm getting bored following Elemental Fitness Programming. Partly, a function of my training facility (I'm working every day on improving that situation). Partly, I have fitness ADD (like most recovering CrossFitters). I went back to Self Coach Climbing programming. The blocks are typically longer. #1 Threshold Bouldering focuses on single hard moves (up to 3 moves in a row sometimes). Whereas, Bouldering focuses on sending. #2 I did all the "Advanced" problems right to left in the gym (~12). I wasn't sure if I could do them in a session. Next time I will repeat them for time (Damn! CrossFit rears it's head).

I'm looking forward to the Self Coach Climbing authors' new book.

And I wish I knew Italian.