
Aug 19, 2010

Suspiciously Straight Lines

Training: 1) Technique

2) Campus
Ladder, Medium Rungs, 1-5-8*
Ladder, Small Rungs, 1-4-7X4

3) Flash Ladder

4) Press, 3x5, 115

5) 3 rounds
1-arm pull-up, each arm
10s plank, 1-arm (ring), 1-foot

6) Prehab & Hanging leg raises

* Nonregulation spacing

Notes: Back from a short, fun trip to Lake Tahoe. Still early in the season, i.e. climb in the morning, hangout at the lake, and climb in the evening. There is a general lack of quality problems (in the guidebook) harder than V8. The granite did a number on my skin. Need to build it up for the season. Video ticklist in production.

Listening to the feedback from the last trip. Moved well. Strong enough to give rapid fire tries, which helped to figure out sequences and send. A major, but often forgotten, benefit of strength. No major tweaking in my program. Just increase training volume so I can climb more problems outside.

Went to a "seminal" climbing gym in the US. It was not great. 75% of the holds are pinches. 100% of the holds on problems harder than V7 are pinches. I suck on pinches and don't see a reason to get better. #1 Focused on relaxing and quality movement #2 I was "forced" to campus. The gym has a nonregulation spacing. VERY LAME! It was fun and hard but meaningless. #3 Not only am I weak on pinches, I have very little capacity on them. Most problem went like this: Preview, Setup, Flash most of it, Hard Pinch Move, Fall. #4-6 The conventional gym part really sucks. Too much equipment wedged into a cave. The squat rack faced a mirror which completely throws off my squats. I settled for pressing. My numbers are way off my PRs but it doesn't matter since it is just cross training.