
Oct 19, 2010

Guide to Owl Canyon, CO

Owl Canyon is located on Highway 287, approximately 7.8 miles north of the junction with Highway 14 (Ted's Place).

Park in the large pull-out, on the right, .3 miles past CO Rd 72 junction. Walk east on a closed road about 200ft until it is blocked by a barbwire fence. The boulders are located on the opposite side of the ditch to your right. The approach time is ~2 minutes.

The short approach and afternoon shade make it a nice option for an after-work session. The rock is limestone and should clean up with a little traffic.

1, V5 - start sitting, 1 move wonder
2, V0 - low angle
3, V1 - slopers, easier if you stem
4, V1/2 - big feet holds and small hand holds to start, small feet and big hand holds to finish
5, V0 -
6, V1 - wide fist crack or stem
7, V0 -
8, V0 - low angle

The rock band immediately above the boulders has the potential for a long traverse and high-ball problems.
The rock quality is questionable.