
Nov 5, 2010

Liquid Network

Training: 1) Flash Ladder, 1.5 blocks

2) Power Endurance, .5 blocks

3) Technique, .5 blocks

4) Bench, 3X5, 165lbs

5) Prehab only

Listen & Learn-
Christian Griffith

Notes: I usually leave work around 2pm, which gives me plenty of time for a nice outdoor session (I usually return to work at 8pm). However, an "emergency" came up and had a stay late. Then I choose to climb at a new area that require trail building. I ended up in the gym (OMG) to get a dose. It was fun seeing the scene again.

#1 I ran around and tried to flash everything in the gym. It didn't happen. I rationalized my choice of doing 1.5 blocks by saying, "It was volume training which I don't get outside." It is still doing shit I'm good at. #2 Stuck to "N"s . I sucked really bad. Need to work on mental tolerance to be become a better sport climber. #3 I abuse my strength. Today, I was beating it like a redheaded stepchild. I put myself on time-out by focusing on continuous movement and efficiency (not just effectiveness). #4 Focus on whole body compound movements. Yes, benching is whole body (if you do it right). I don't bench to be a better climber. I bench to be a more useful human being.