
Feb 14, 2011

Guide to "Ouzel" of Poudre Canyon, CO

Take Highway 287 to Highway 14 West (Ted's Place), then travel 12 miles on Hwy 14 West. Park in the large pull-out on the right marked with "Ouzel" sign. The boulder pictured below is located IN the river, ~200ft upstream. The approach time is less than 5 minutes.

GPS Coordinates:
N 40 34.339
W 105 03.078

#1, (VB/V0) Start standing and climb low angle arete. There might be holds under the lichen. video evidence
#2, (V0/V1) Start standing and climb dirty face with actual holds. video evidence
#3, (V1/V2) Start standing on rock in river and follow path of least resistance up and to the right. video evidence
#4, (V2/V3) Start sitting down and ascend using rounded but positive holds. Awkward climbing. video evidence