
Jan 25, 2009

The House Always Wins, Las Vegas Day 2

Objective : Performance

Routes Sent : A Man In Every Pot, 5.8+ (onsight, super cold)
Baseboy Direct, 11a (2nd go, 1st try today)
Gridlock, 11a (onsight, easy)
Desert Pickle, 5.11c (2nd go, very tired on onsight try)
Yaak Crack, 11c/d (3rd go, 1st try today)

Total Points : 29.5

Routes Tried : Fear and Loathing, 12a (BTB, super rad, new project)

No media. The Red Rocks sand hurt my camera.

Notes : Alex and I got an alpine sport climbing start, 7:30, only to get be greeted by wind and cold at Cannibal Crag. I was able to finish old business, Baseboy Direct. We retreated the warmth and security of The Gallery. I finished old business there, Yaak Crack. It was only 3/4 day because the weather got progressively worse, the strong winds was blowing rain 2 miles from the canyons to The Gallery. However, I was able to send Desert Pickle right before it started to HAIL! I'm done with Vegas for a little while.