
Jan 26, 2009

Welcome to the Jungle

Objective : Climbing Stamina

Warm-up : Circuit #1
Mobility Drills
Circuit #2

Training : (1) Up and down 3 new problems (flash)

(2) Work Cave problems, 15 minutes
Rest 10 minutes

(3) Up and down favorite problems, 15 minutes

(4) 3X10 strict CTB pull-ups

(5) 3 rounds
10, sit-ups, 45 lbs
5, shoulder scarecrow, 5X2

(6) 10 rounds
30s row
30s rest
each interval should be faster

Notes : A rare 3rd day on. It is cold and snowy in CO, back to training. Another crowded after work session. The local university is in full swing so the gym was extra crowded. I’m focusing on the indoor bouldering comp in 18 days. It was good practice climbing in front of crowds. I feel a little weird flashing other people’s projects. I feel doubly weird when I down-climb their projects. I’m far from the best climber in the gym. However, I was a below average climber in CA. I’m a well-above climber in this gym. I’m working on not being complacent. There are always stronger lions in the jungle.