
Jan 11, 2009

Playing with Purple Cobras

Objective : Climbing Power/Strength

Warm-up : Up and down climb all Recreation problems in a circuit

Training :
(1) campus, doubles on big rungs
1-4 (fail X 2)

(2) campus, throws on medium rungs
1-5-1 X 2

(3) epic fail on routes

(4) Cross training
a. Front Squat, 1 RM, 255

b. 5 rounds
Front Squat, triples, 216
13 strict pull-ups

c. 3 rounds
20 step-ups, 40lbs, 8 spacers high
20 elevated push ups

d. 5 rounds
mini leg blaster
10 weighted situps, 45 lbs

My Team

Notes : After the session at Carter Lake, I headed indoors to do some actual cranking. I sold my soul to a Globo Gym, i.e. signed a 1-year contract. This workout continues to build my campusing foundation. I moving towards "dropping". Reference :
One Of The Best Climbing Training Articles Ever Written
. Mountain Athlete suggests creating training benchmarks. My campus benchmarks are 1-4 double on big rungs, 7-1-7 drop on medium rungs, and 1-5-9 throw on small rungs. I attempted to climb routes after climbing outside and campusing because the gym routes are "easy." I was shredding very hard at that point. I throw in a standard Mountain Athlete strength workout at the end. They suggest climb training M-W-F and cross training T-Th for 1 hour each day. My life does not lend itself to that schedule. I'm experimenting with other schedules.