
Jan 11, 2009

Carter Lake is like a convertible ... a let down

Carter Lake : damn pretty but the climbing is not rad

Notes : I got my first taste of CO rock on Sunday, and it was bittersweet. I went to Carter Lake, a local area. I spent most the day there and sent nothing. I don't remember the last day when I sent nothing. I climbed some rocks that aren't in the current guidebook, which was published before the bible. It was cold and windy for the first part of day which made warming-up a diminishing return function, shed layers to touch frigid rock and get colder. I don't climb well without an extended warm-up. The classics, Kahunna Roof and Super Chief, are rad, nice holds with good movement. The rest of the problems were less than awesome. Carter Lake is mostly sandstone conglomate which is doesn't lend itself to classic cranking. I would call it "pebbly poo" crushing. I will the give the place another try, but right now, I'm more siked on training inside.