
Jan 8, 2009

The Things That Hate Me

Objective : Technique

Warm-up : Burgener Warm-up with PVC

Training : (1) Snatch balance, triples, 95, 115, 135 X2

(2) Snatch, triples, 95, 95, 95, 95

(3) Row 2000k, 7:39

Notes : I was planning to climb until I woke up and couldn't move my head and shoulders properly. I decided to check a group class at the local CrossFit affiliate. Just my luck, I got the two activities out of the Hopper that are my personal nemisises : the Snatch and rowing. Overall, the affiliate is great, the people are nice, and the coach coaches just right, not too much/ not too little. However, I still have my love/hate relationship with CrossFit's approach to fitness. I love the fact that their random programing will force me to work on my weaknesses. If I was programming I would never have a day like this. I hate that they are too skill orientated. The local coach said, "Our heavy days are usually practice days." OMG! I want to get strong. I don't want to get great at Snatching. My Snatch is not pretty (more Power-style with HUGE donkey kick), but I'm not going to hurt myself. They had me trying to Snatch perfectly with 60% of my max (155 lbs). You can't get stronger with 60% of your max. This is in contrast to the Mountain Athlete approach. They are Strength and Conditioning only, i.e. they don't have you practice exercises that are not your sport. That row time sucked, I have not hit ERG in a long time and left too much in the tank.

Snatch Balance
(135 lbs, heaviest I went all day)

Best Snatch of the Day
(95lbs, light)