
Jan 9, 2009

Further Down The Rabbit Hole

Objective : Climbing Strength/Climbing Power Endurance

Warm-up : (1) 30 move Easy traverse
no rest
(2) a different 30 move Easy traverse

Training : (1) flash a lot of problems (about 2 hours)

(2) Work 10-15 move sections of Hard traverse
rest 3 min
5 rounds

(3) 30 move Medium traverse

(4) 30 move Easy traverse

In the background is 6''X15'' roof. I suck at roof climbing, and this is ample practice space.
In the foreground are campus boards that you use your feet on. I don't understand.

Notes : I checked out the other climbing gym in town. It is a little older, little smaller and climbing only. They rate their problems Easy, Medium, and Hard. I flashed all the medium problems and most of the Hard problems. I got cocky and was flashing them back-to-back until I fell. I sent that one 2nd go. At one point I tried to flash the hardest the problem in the gym, everyone freaked out because only one other person had done it. I did all the moves but couldn't link it (I applied my 5-try-rule for new places). WTF!!! I feel like I am in an episode of the Twilight Zone. I know two of the best climbers in the US live in the same town (including a World Cup champion). Where do they train?