
Jan 14, 2009


Objective : Climbing Power Endurance/Cross-Training

Training : (1) Power Hour, aka 1 hour of continuous bouldering

(2) 1-7-1 breathing ladder, thrusters, 95 lbs

(3) 7 rounds
30 on/ 30 off

(4) 5 rounds
triples, pull-ups, 75lbs
triples, jack knife front lever

(5) 5 rounds
10 one arm swing, right, 1 pood
10 one arm swing, left, 1 pood
10 two arm swing, 1 pood
rest 45s

(6) 3 rounds
10 back extension, 45 lbs
10 shoulder scarecrow

Notes : After work, I went back to the gym. It was a zoo. I couldn't even down climb during the Power Hour because some ripper would be on the start the problem. I'm only hitting the weight room 2x a week, one strength session and one power endurance session. The room starting spinning during the swings. Kinda of fun.