
Jan 17, 2009

welcome to coloRADo

Objective : Performance

Boulders sent :
Standard V1 flash
Undercling to Crack V2 flash
Corner Lunge V2 flash
Meditation Traverse V2 flash
Meditation Roof V3 flash
Cat’s Eye face V3 flash
Mantel Rail V3 flash
Slappin the Hoe? V4 flash
Mr Spock V5 flash

Total Points : 25

Boulders tried :
Railer v6 (Contrived. Spent a lot of time on it. Why?)
Talent Scout Roof V7 (Contrived.)
Mammen Traverse v9 (see notes)

Beautiful Dakota Sandstone

Mammen Traverse, v9, fail

Notes : Went to Horsetooth Reservoir today, which is less than 10 minutes from house. Today's experience was the polar opposite of the Carter Lake day. It was sunny and warm. Mix that with great problems on great rock. RAD!!! I love flashing new problems. On the way back to the car at the end of the day, I saw the Mammen Traverse. It starts on "Undercling to Crack", traverses the lip to finish on Corner Lunge/Beached Whale. It is rated v9, and I almost put it down in 1 day! It took a little while to figure out my beta. I did all the moves but couldn't link it. There is one stopper move. My method is very core dependent, and I ran out of core juice. Finger strength was not an issue. Training helped so much. I had a little skin left and went to the gym after.