
Mar 24, 2009

Las Vegas, Day 2, Learning To Crimp

Objective: Performance

Problems Sent:
Offering Scam, V1, flash
Basketball Diaries, V2, flash
Cherry Garcia, V3, 1st try today
Unknown, V3, flash (stand to the left of The Prayer)
Unnnamed (Unnamed Boulder), V4, 2nd go (listed as V1 in guide)
St. Louis, V4, project from last trip (from the underclings)
Amazing Grace, V4, 3rd go (first try after I remembered how to climb)
Unnamed (Red Spring Boulder), V5, flash
The Prayer, V6, flash (!)

Total Points: 33

Problems Tried:
I looked at a couple of v6 & v7s but didn’t understand them. The body rarely goes where the mind isn’t ready.

The Ripper of the Day Award goes to who ever ticked this hold.
Do you really need a tick mark for each finger?

For $17 a night, you get a view of a wall. However, there is a pigeon that lives outside my window.

Notes: I went to Red Springs today, a small area about 1 mile from Kraft Boulders. Since it away from the main area, the ambience is more peaceful, but the rock is looser. I meet a rad local climber, Brandon. This is his first year of climbing. I showed him how to crimp. He immediately climbed a grade harder. Red Rocks is all about crimping. That is why it is one of my favorite areas. Thanks to his support, spotting, and extra pad I was able to flash of The Prayer, V6. Hell Yeah! One step closer to my 2009 goal of flashing V7. I’m done “practicing.” Bring on the sport climbing.