
Mar 25, 2009

Las Vegas, Day 3, The Gallery & Sweet Pain

Objective: Performance

Routes Sent:
Buck Muscle World, 9, onsight
Gelatin Pooch, 10a, onsight
Pump Now Pay Later, 10b, onsight
Super Guide, 11a, onsight
The Gambler,11b, 2nd go

Points: 19

Routes Tried:
Sweet Pain, 11d, 2 tries
Glitter Gulch, 11a, 1 try

Putting the Sporty back into Sport Climbing
The first bolt was chopped/ripped out of the wall. I sacked up and went for it anyways.

Shirt off means business time

Notes: The crew went to The Gallery because we had a wide spread of abilities. It was a little too warm for me to get on anything hard. The highlight was an onsight of a fun climb called Super Guide. Evan tried it after me and was not pleased with the quality, aka kinda sandy and chossy. I guess I'm a chossmonger. We finished up the Sweet Pain Wall. I tried to send too many climbs to close together at the end and got nothing.