
Mar 26, 2009

Las Vegas, Day 4, Cannibal Crag

Objective: Performance

Routes Sent:
Ma and Pa in Kettle, 5.7X, flash (or die)
Mac and Ronnie in Cheese, 10a, flash
Have a Beer with Fear, 11a, flash
Caustic, 11b, 2nd go
Save the heart to eat later, 12a, 2nd go

Total Points: 25

Routes Tried:
Zero. Good roadtripping. I sent everything.

Notes: "Ma and Pa in Kettle" is a classic, 3 bolts in 45ft then no bolts for 45ft to the top. I didn't bring a belay device because I thought all the routes at the crag were sport equipped. I had to belay my second with a Munter. It made my rope super twisty for the rest of the day. The whole deal was lame. It took me 25 minutes to flash "Have a Beer with Fear", 4 bolts!!, because there was epic wind. I was soooo pumped mantling at the end. It was nice ending the Las Vegas lag with a 12a.