
May 14, 2009

Another day on the Poudre, Another new area

Objective: Performance, New Routing

Problem Sent: All unnamed, V1, V2, V3, V4, V4 (good for the soul, bad for the scorecard)

Problem Tried: V7 (sds to a V4, couldn't commit cause of a hard pull on my weak finger)

Good Virgin Rock

Immaculate granite about 50ft from the car. RAD!

Left to Right
V3 stand (V10? from sds), V4 stand (V7? from sds), V4 sds (best problem I've climbed in CO)

Notes: I left work early to check out another ridge with possible new route potential. It looks like there will be some okay routes, but the bouldering looks much better. The new routing potential is ridiculous at this point. There is a lifetime of rock within 30 minutes of my house.

I spent most of my time on a boulder 50ft from the road. I think it has been climbed on before because all I had to do was brush off the lichen. It has best rock quality I have climbed on in CO. Today is another reminder of why I moved to the Front Range.