
May 13, 2009

Crystal Wall, Back in the Game?

Objective: Performance

Routes Sent:
County Line, 8, onsight (decent for an 8)
Fantastic Voyage, 10a, onsight (widely spaced bolts and high winds, building mental toughness)
Tool Man, 5.11c, 2nd go (1st try today, revision - 80ft of 10c to a V3- boulder, which I do the hard way)

Total Points: 10.5

Routes Tried:
The General Lee, 12b, 2 tries (fairly consistent, 0 crimps but 3 hand jams)

Way above my last bolt on Fantastic Voyage

Enjoying the Wednesday morning

Notes: Joined Seth & Bryan at Crystal Wall for a weekday workout. Fantastic Voyage is the original route on the wall and OLDSCHOOL. It is classic, but you have to be solid. I got revenge on Tool Man, sending it first try today. I didn't see the good ticked hold at the crux (again) and power crimped a "footchip." Everything looks like nail ....

The General Lee is a nice climb. I should be able to tick it with another session. It is atypical for the Poudre and not my style. Hopefully, my finger won't swell up like a kabasha tomorrow.