
Aug 10, 2009

Castle Greyskull, So Good So FAR

Objective: New Routing

1) Cleaned and sent new route (on TR)
Name - Trying to Get the Man's Foot Outta My Ass (tentative)
Grade - 10+ (tentative)

Alex enjoying the views from the top of Castle Greyskull.

Stash destroyed

The creatures of Castle Greyskull find climbing ropes delicious.

The humans of Castle Greyskull find raspberries delicious.

Crazy shining rocks

I bolted a line in the middle of this face.
The left artete looks much harder/radder.

Notes: Somehow I convinced/tricked Alex into bolting with me at Castle Greyskull on the Poudre River. The hike is brutal, longish, uphill, and does not follow an established trail. I think it is worth it because it is a wild place with high quality rock. After a quick brush to remove the lichen, the routes are ready to go.

I'm developing some single pitches before getting crazy with the multiple pitch. The line I worked on today follows a crack to a roof to technical crimpy crux. I love Castle Greyskull, but I plan to focus my efforts on objectives closer to the road.