
Aug 9, 2009

The Devil’s Chalpin

Objective: Active Recovery

Training: Flash routes
(1) Up & Down, 7,8,9,10,11
(2) Up only, 11, 11, 12(f), 12

(3) 3 rounds
10 1-arm swings, left
10 1-arm swings, right
10 2-arm swings
20ft Alligator push-ups

Glad to be back in CO

Notes: I took one complete rest day after my challenge. Today I got back in the gym to work the kinks out with a very easy day. One of biggest problems in doing my own programing is I don't schedule adequate rests and deloads. I'm getting better at resting but still need to work on deloading. Typically, my climbing trips are "deloads."