
Aug 20, 2009

First Responder Area, "Artist in the Ambulance"

Leftside of Main Wall
"Artist in the Ambulance" follows the rope
"Unnamed" follows the crack system to the right

Rightside of Main Wall
"First on the Scene, First in Our Hearts" follows the crack system on the left
"Unnamed" follows the rope, 4 bolts to Anchor

Notes: Still knocked on my ass from the Met Con training. I decided to develop new routes as "active recovery." I would love to bolt long steep hard classic lines. Instead, I found some short easy trad lines. The lines still need more cleaning but they will go.

"Artist in the Ambulance" is named after Micah. He had a serious fall, and I wish him a speedy recovery.
(Technically, he was never in ambulance. But it sounds better than "Artist in Bob's Car")

"First on the Scene, First in Our Hearts" is the obvious line at the crag and gets the best name.

Please post possible routes names for the unnamed lines to comments.
Try to stick to the theme.