
Aug 20, 2009

Horizon Problem

Objective: Climbing Strength

Warm-up: Flash new Problems
Int X 4
Adv X 3

Training: (1) Campus
Medium Rung

Small Rung

(2) System board, 4-6 moves
Crimp, #2, #1, #0

(3) System board, Wide moves
Lower right

(4) Rhythm Intervals
Level 1
Level 2

What are your indicators?

Notes: I'm not engaged by the Open Problems in the gym. Every problem has wide pinches. I have yet to find a stopper move outside that involved a wide pinch.

I campused until I hit my elbow on hangboard - Campusboard Fail. After I got over my anger, I got down to some system board work. I felt strong and went after the #0 setting. SMALL. I want to be stronger at full extension so I'm skipping panels laterally, #3, as I move up. A small but important improvement on the Rhythm Intervals.