
Sep 29, 2009

LOTD, Farmhouse Sector Revisited

I was premature when I stated "I made a clean sweep of all the projects" at LOTD. I forgot about the Farmhouse Sector.

I got warm by putting up a high ball, "The Mad and Macabre" V1

"The Mad and Macabre" follows the right arete.
There is potential for more highballs but they are unfortunately low-angle.

"Invisible Invaders" V4 - sds, arete to face

I sent "Hell Down in the Cellar" Left & Right from the stand.
The sds are awkward with a poor landing.

There is a large rock blocking an "extended sds".
I'll leave the awkward sds, poor landings, and "extended sds" for the climbers that like that sort of thing.

I was able to to send a couple of low starts on the boulder closest to the road, no pictures. I'm sure those problems have been done before. I tried pulling on them last spring, and they felt very hard. A summer of intelligent training made them feel piss easy.

Too Much Developing
I need a new brush.