
Nov 2, 2009

LOTD, The Catacombs

The weather finally relaxed its death grip on the Front Range. I used the opportunity to put up new problems in The Land of the Dead. I'm working my way along the upper ridge. The next sector is The Catacombs, tallish low-angle cliff bands. It was too chilly to dangle on a rope to clean up a majority of the problems. I had to settle for the "low hanging fruit".

The Catacombs

Who Is Laughing Now?, V3/4, Black (stand start on sidepulls, more sidepulls and a sloper, sds is undone)
Are We Worth Saving?, V2*, Red (gill start to good sized crimps)

Drink a Nice Tall Glass of Shut the Fuck Up!, VO, Green (4 star line, stand start on jugs follow orange streak)

* I need to repeat all the problems and downgrade accordingly.