
Feb 20, 2010

Greener Than A Chanuk in UT

Training: 1) Technique, Foot Hoover, 30 minutes

2) Flash New Problems

3) Threshold Bouldering, 45 minutes

A good night to be training

Notes: I'm getting less stupid. In the past 4 days, I climbed 3 days on and 1 day off. The old me would have tried to campus today. The new me tried to be more productive and less damaging. I need some new technique drills. The drills I use aren't randomly picked. Each one treats a specific weakness. I got SHUT DOWN on 1 of the new problems. My style of climbing relies on footwork and momentum. This problem has whacked feet and hard lock offs. Maybe an indoor project for this winter relapse? I focused on open hand and 1/2 crimp moves during threshold bouldering.