
Feb 21, 2010

Training is felt before it's understood

Training: 1) Technique, Decompress, 15 minutes

2) Flash new problems

3) Standard Open, 1/2 Crimp, Full Crimp Hangs

4) Yoga, 60 minutes

5) Perfect Practice, 30 minutes

6) 1-arm pull-ups, dynamic effort

7) Ab wheel

Notes: Feel kinda beat up, thus did not set any PRs. I couldn't do some of the mandatory jumps for the new problems. That is still a big mental barrier. It is hard to let go of control for me. My body and mind is still not used to my new found strength, a good problem to have. My ego got a boast when the problem that shut me down yesterday, shut down a nationally-ranked bouldering competitor today. Damn, I was going to beta whore him.