
May 9, 2010

Durango, Day 2, Saddle Sore

I checked out the local's favorite, Sailing Hawks, on the the second day. It is an open space area inside the city limits with 100+ high quality problems. Simply incredible. My back was jacked up from the yesterday so I mostly took pictures of a local Marlin and his dog -

Location: Sailing Hawks

Problems Sent:
Unnamed, V2, Flash (Warmup Boulder, fun for a traverse linkup)
Left of Legacy, V2, Flash (good movement, topout is chill)
Molder, V3, 2nd go (not great)
Skully Direct, V3, Flash (brilliant)
Laser, V4, Flash (50% smooth sloper, 50% pebble poop)
Wave, V5, 2nd go (play my game = crimp and go)
Bleeding Lip Direct, V5, 2nd go (fun, would've flashed if it was in the guidebook)
Something Wicked Comes This Way, V6, 3rd go (2nd day on = UGH)

Total Points: 30

Problem Tried:
Petrified Prow, V5 (super rad, super steep, i climbed stupid)
El Diablo, V6 (i now know the super secret foot beta)
Bleeding Lip Traverse, V6 (the more I tried it, the more contrived I realized it was)