
May 9, 2010

Durango, Day 3, Nails in the Coffin

I rarely circuit, but Durango provided the perfect place, closely packed quality problems. The added bonus was nice landings and good descriptions. Maximal climbing within minimal shredding. I pushed myself by climbing everything, aretes, traverses, from 1 move to 10 move problems. The day came to a point on Midnight Rider, a v3 slab. It was a perfect blend of mental (tired but in a flow), technical (trusting myself but uncertain), and physical (tired but engaged). The reason why I climb - for beautiful moments. No better time to leave Durango.

The Dakota Sandstone of Durango

So Featured

Location: Turtle Rocks

Problems Sent:
All Flashed -
Penny Candy, V1
Nickel & Dime, V1
My 2 Cents, V1
Cents Short of a Dime, V1
Golden Year, V1 (hard)
Unnamed, V1 (Northern Block, #2)
Unnamed, V1 (Northern Block, #3)
Couch Potato, V1 (interesting traverse)
Unnamed, V1 (West Block, HIGHBALL, dirty, deserves more love)
Afternoon Delight, V2
The Cave, V2 (steep, just make the moves)
Unnamed, V2 (Big East Block, highball in the wind)
Micro Huge, V2 (another traverse)
Unnamed, V2 (Eastern Block, interesting)
Unnamed, V3 (West Block, big pull > sharp pocket)
Dalla Bills, V3 (a little contrived)
Terrapin Traverse, V3 (great for traverse link-up)
Broadway Traverse, V3 (a must do)
Midnight Rider, V3 (OMG, hurt my hand on the slab)
The Wonder, V4 (i'm a one move climber)
Unnamed, V4 (Eastern Block, traverse on underclings!)
Fade Way, V4 (skipped holds by accident)
There's a Lesson Here, V4 (i flashed an arete!!!)

Total Points: 50