Spring is finally here. I have long list of river blocs to wrestle with before the might Poudre borrows them for a little while. I spent the first half of the day climbing at "Diamond Rock" Day Area.
This rock isn't Diamond Rock proper but still a gem in my book -
Blue, V1 - balancey moves on small crimps
Green, V5 - sds on good edge, an off-balance move leads to slopey jugs
It is possible to link green start into blue but it is too sharp/traversey for me.
Green, V3 - sds sidepull to committing exit
I spent the remaining part of the day at 5FHAR area, the former home of ice blocs.
Green, V0 - great jugs
Yellow, V0+ - good moves on great rock
Blue, V0 - follow lip, contrived but neccesary
This boulder is just downstream and uphill from the warm-up boulder-
Green , V? - sds on lip, make several hard interesting moves on sidpulls, pinches, and crimps, V3 from stand
Blue, V3/4 - big moves on big holds, bring a change of pants if you plan on falling
Blue, V3/4 - big moves on big holds, bring a change of pants if you plan on falling
This boulder is directly uphill from the warm-up boulder-
I'm grateful to have great rock a mere 20 minute drive from my house and 1 minute hike from my car.