@ and I went up Highway 14 to do some cragging. @ wasn't syked about crossing the Poudre (I have waders) so we started bolting a new wall, PMA. PMA is pseudo-random acronym, you can make up your definition. She picked the warm-up line, and I got to work bolting it. She sent it right after I put the bolts in and decided on the name "Chutes & Ladders".
By this time, Doug S. showed up and stole the 2nd ascent from me while I was bolting a harder line to the right.
I'm interested in how climbs are named. "Chutes & Ladders" is self explanatory. "Free but Not Cheap" is named because it is the steepest line at the cliff and provides plenty of opportunities for freedom, i.e. feet cutting. You have pay for it with a hard crux move.
Doug picked out the next line at the far right end of the cliff. It looked like another warm-up but ended up being the hardest line thus far.