The Bog Boulder
Pink, Beach Side Face, V4 - in the guidebook
Green, V4 - crimps to groove, dirty & loose when not covered in snow
Yellow, Slopey Thrutch, V5 - in the guidebook
Red, What Happens in the Poudre Stays in the Poudre V8 - start on chest high ledge, move to lip
Black, Iron Helix, V6 -in the guidebook
Sidewalk Boulder
Yellow, V1 - fun moves, could use more traffic, sds is much harder
Green, V2 - make your way up on good holds to large ledge
There are many more problems on this boulder not covered in the guidebook.
Saddle Up Boulder
Yellow, Green Monster, V7 - in the guidebook
Black, Gaydar, V8 - start on Green Monster undercling, move left on crimps to join Arete #19
Red, Under the Gaydar, V10 - sds, follow crack to join Arete #19
Boulder next to "Simple" Boulder
Unknown Problem, V6 - sds on jug rail, climb the arete