Here is the official list:
- Finish Projects. I have a long list of unfinished projects that I have bolted. I want to finish them so other people can enjoy them.
- Attempt Over-My-Head Projects. The new NOCO Poudre Canyon Routes just came out. I want to attempt, not necessarily send, all 8 of the projects listed. (I have already redpointed one of the projects listed. More on that soon.)
- Develop More. I bolted and redpointed 10 climbs in 2009. I want to bolt (and redpoint) 15 new climbs in 2010.
- Redpoint Something I'm proud of. My goal for 2009 was to complete a redpoint pyramid, 10 redpoints. I redpointed 1 climb, Imaginary Fans in Sinks Canyon to the 3rd anchor. I’m dialing that goal way back. I want to redpoint one rad climb and don’t care what the grade is.
- Body Composition. I’m slowing transforming my body from CrossFit/Olympic Weightlifting optimal to climbing optimal. The primarily method has been through nutrition. I follow a paleo diet, super geeky paleo podcast. The secondary method is refraining from non-climbing training (hard for me). I’m not syked on the relatively subjective nature of this goal.
- Campus 1-5-8. That is the most I can do with the campusboard I have readily available. Currently, I can do 1-4-7 and 1-5-6. I’m steadily improving (without injury).
Bonus – I haven’t decided on a birthday challenge yet. I need to decide soon so I get an 8 month training run towards the goal. The current contenders are 31lb 1-arm pull-up (maybe 1 finger), 31 1-arm pull-ups, and a clapping handstand push-up. Suggestions are always welcome.